
4 January 2016

Count down.

It's Monday - the first IN January.  Um, I suppose you all know that already. 

BUT did you all know that the Tat It And See starts on Wednesday 6th?  That's two days away?  If not then you've not been reading my blog lately!!!  If you haven't then you'd better go and stand in the naughty corner or sit on the naughty step!!!

For those one (or maybe two) people on planet earth who haven't heard - here are the links.

So, if you want to join the fun and mayhem then please do. No sign up, no rules, just tatting fun with a bit more knowledge to add to your repertoire!!! I hope!!!

Ah, also it would be lovely to meet new tatters to the game. 


  1. I haven't forgotten! - you'd think that after all these years that I wouldn't carrot all, but I will wind my shuttles anyway......

  2. Anonymous11:02 am

    You tempted me :D I'll give it a try.

  3. Am ready too! 😃

  4. I think I will try for the first time. I already have a collar challenge and a doily challenge going with my tatting club but hey, it's winter and I hibernate so this will keep my fingers busy. LOL

  5. I think I will try for the first time. I already have a collar challenge and a doily challenge going with my tatting club but hey, it's winter and I hibernate so this will keep my fingers busy. LOL

  6. Drat... you caught me.... Please Miss... I'se is a new tatter I'se is.... and if you believe that you'll believe anything!!! Rofl!! Shuttles wound up and ready to go!!

  7. Oh... do I have to go sit on the naughty step then??? It's cold and wet out there!!! VBG

  8. Waiting,,,,,,,,waiting. Ready. To go
