
26 March 2016

Monkeying around!!

I decided years and years ago that I wanted to try some Amigurumi but I'd never quite got round to it!!! A few weeks ago I found this pattern on the internet and fell in love with it!!!

I thought it might be a bit ambitious for a first 'go' at this type of crochet and I was sort of right. Ambitious it was but I'm VERY glad I took it on as I learned a lot. A great BIG lot!!! Thanks to the designer who is Sharon Ojala it was a relatively easy one to make. I liked the videos she linked to too. 

Now I think I know who will like this monkey and next week MAY see it leaving chez nous!!!!!!


  1. Ah, I enjoyed my amigurumi experience too. Love the monkey's big ears!

  2. He's so cute! I'm always interested in looking, but I haven't really had the desire to try it out. I'm sure I'd have multiple requests from my grandchildren if I ever got started with it.

  3. You might have to make an extra two or three for your visitors! I've abandoned toy making, I can knit - or crochet - the pieces well enough, but never manage to assemble them recognisably!

  4. He's adorable!! I too like his BIG ears :)
    It's something I've always wanted to try too.. I even bought a pattern a few years ago.... But alas, it sits as I've not mustered up the courage to give it a go yet... :(

    1. It's not 'rocket science' and this pattern has particularly good instructions with linkable videos too. I'd never done anything like it before. Be brave, young lady, be very brave!

  5. So cute!! Great monkey!!! :)

  6. Anonymous6:03 pm

    He's so CUTE!

  7. I didn't know you were so good at crochet. Bravo
