
29 March 2016

On the way

BE WARNED. I'm on the way!!!

No, not the men in white coats coming to collect me but me going to AMERICA. Yes, I'm delighted to say I've been chosen to teach at Palmetto Tat Days in September!!!! In fact you can now see a list of all the teachers who will be there. Some friends from past years (and via the internet) and (hopefully) new ones too. 

I've just 'stolen' the logo off their site and put one of the designs I've had accepted below it too.


  1. I'm so excited! This will be my first time to attend. I can hardly wait to see you again and meet tatters I have only known online. I'm saving my pennies!

    1. Can't wait to see you again too, Diane. Very fond memories of the day in Panera with SAS too.

  2. It will be nice to see you again. I will be teaching as well. Love your new smiley!

    1. That was a great evening we had at Sandra's house last time I came over. I know she's moved since then but we can always drop big hints, eh?

    2. Yay!!!! I am so excited that you are coming back. Just checking are designing an Astronaut to go with the spaceship? heh! heh!

  3. I love that smiling sunshine!!! :)

  4. Now to figure who to take classes from!
    I think might drive this year because cheaper than flying!
