
16 April 2016


Although I know I've added the pattern to the web site I forgot to show you the final (well for me) round of the green (ish) Fandango doily. When I say 'final for me' I mean at the moment I think that's as far as I'm going to go!!! I'm really chuffed with this pattern as it's a 'go further or not' one - just a shame I haven't bothered to block it yet!!!! 

Whilst writing this post it also reminded me that I'd not yet uploaded the link from the Motifs and Snowflakes page either.  I've now done that.  


  1. Yes, good to have a project you can make as big or as small as you fancy, and I like the non-round shape.

  2. Beautiful! I think the green is the perfect final round!

  3. It's great!!!!!!!!!! :)

  4. Thank you for the patterns and so many beautiful choices too! I gots to get more printer ink :) love this rectangular one pretty!
