
19 April 2016

Tatting at Churchdown

I think it was last week I mentioned that I was going to put on my big girls pants and drive out of my comfort zone which is roughly ten miles from home!!! There's a big line around the town ten miles out which is where I normally start to panic and worry. Well Saturday I broke the barrier and escaped my trap!!! 

I set off in snow showers and arrived (one wrong turning only) in plenty of time and sunshine!! It was a really great day - Linda (who I met up with in Canada at the Fringe Element tat days) had organised a great day with some lovely, lovely people. Plenty of cake, tea and coffee too. 

She'd asked me to teach techniques - starting with the split ring, self closing mock ring and pearl tatting. I'd prepared lots of shuttles with size 10 thread and the students I had were really fast learners. Also at the event was Joelle (aka La Cossette on Etsy) who brought some of her amazing work. It was good to meet up with her and all the others too.  Now I'm wondering if I'll be able to go to other places over my ten mile boundary now.  You can't beat a satnav for helping an OG to break her nemesis!!!!


  1. I think we all have our "comfort zones" for driving - my own stops at the entrance to the Bruce Highway which leads to the north. Husband has to do that trip!

  2. Let me know if you ever wander as far north as Edinburgh! I'm kinda shackled by children at the moment and don't get to travel much.

  3. Hooray, sounds like a good trip!

  4. As long as I have someone with me, I don't mind driving outside my comfort zone. However, when driving by myself, I only go to familiar places! It looks like you had a lovely time!

  5. Right then... when are those big girl pants going to fetch you to Yorkshire and then we'll go to Edinburgh??? I mean, this Tatty OG doesn't have a problem with travelling from Yorkshire to Bristol and back in a day!!! Comfort zones are meant to be broken aren't they?? (unless it's vertically of course!) Rofl

  6. Jacqui Southworth6:19 pm

    Well done Jane - a very brave thing to do, but worth the effort. I always find the anticipation of it is worse than actually doing it, and you always feel really great afterwards.

  7. Congratulations to you!!!
    And it looks like a fantastic time there!! :)

  8. I think it was worth it.

  9. It is always fun to meet up with other tatters, I am very happy you made it there and back home safe and sound.
