
1 April 2016

What a hoot!!!!

Another small diversion (an Amigurumi owl!!) which I no longer own!!! Both this one and the previous monkey returned home with two delightful grandchildren yesterday.   Here's the pattern I used.

This should be the last of the Amigurumi until next winter as it's now getting a little warmer here in my neck of the woods and I'm just dying to get to the sewing machine and sit in the conservatory to play there!!!

This isn't perfect but I must say I enjoyed the new challenge. Interestingly I didn't learn to crochet until I was around 32. Nearly twenty years after I learned to tat!!! Shame and a good book made me give it a whirl!!!  So glad I did.


  1. VERY cute and fun! I'll bet the grands love these!

  2. Your Amigurumi animals are so cute. (New term to me!) It's surprising that you learned to tat first! I'm curious to know if you found holding the thread in the 'usual' crochet hold to be awkward after tatting for so long.

    And - Happy Tatting Day!

    1. It was such a long time ago, Kathy, I can't remember!! I do know that my gran's sister was appalled that her sister taught me to tat and she could never persuade me to learn to crochet!!! I have to do things in my own time! Tatting has and always will be my first love, though.

  3. Anonymous8:25 pm

    Your owl is so cute! I'm sure the owl and monkey will make some grandchildren VERY happy.

    1. Well they're out of the house now, Stephanie so I'm a happy grandma!!!

  4. Love this! <3
    from Lucy's colleague @thepool x

    1. Thanks, Liz. I do divert from tatting from time to time - just to keep the 72 year old brain 'alive'!!!! Hope Lucy's behaving herself!!!
