
21 May 2016

Another round added

Here's round two finished. I do wish I could kick this addiction to making Fandango doilies!!!! It's really, really NOT me making doilies as I'd never ever use them!


  1. Gi love that you are making a square.

  2. Jane, you could frame them and use them as wall art!! :) They are art, and prettier than a lot of things people hang on their walls!!! :)
    And, I plan on making your Fandango doilies as Christmas gifts(if not this year, then next)!!! :)

  3. My husband says they are beautiful!! So you have an outsider's endorsement!! :)

  4. Hi, Jane. I really like the way this is developing. Do you plan to continue the rounds as in rounds 2 and 3 or will you turn the square again to form another diamond in a square?

    1. I'll continue by repeating rounds 1 and 2. Well, that's the plan at the moment. I MAY take up your idea sometime in the future but it may make it a bit large and cumbersome. Perhaps it would work in a smaller thread, though.

  5. love it! great color combo too.

  6. Anonymous8:08 pm

    Love the colors and the way it looks as a square. I suspect that for some of us, it *tatting* is why we make so many doilies, not the idea of *using* any of them. It's the 'journey,' not the 'destination' that holds such fascination for us. Yours is very pretty, whether you plan to use it at some point or not.

  7. Thats my lament! I wish there was something I could DO with them! ;)
