
28 May 2016

Charity shop find

On a Friday afternoon I go to Alcester which is about eight miles away. It's a lovely little market town and I go to meet other friends in the library. No, not to teach computer skills but to join in Crafternoon.

Before the start of our get together I usually go and look round the small town with it's 'proper' shops. All small and many are family owned. There are also several charity shops which I have a look in too. Rarely do I find anything and  I've never ever had such a find as I had yesterday. 

I walked into the one shop and nearly pee'd the aged pants when I spotted these threads. I bought the ones you can see below but I kindly left a lot for other people!!! I will go back next week to see if there are any left!!!! 

I must add that I'd had a firm word with myself that when I go to Palmetto Tat Days I was NOT to buy anymore thread!!!! Why didn't I remember that I didn't need anymore thread yesterday?

Oh, the pale blue balls that you can see are actually white but I think it was the rare appearance of that round yellow object in the sky (aka the sun) that changed the colour.


  1. What a bargain! - and it's the second time today I have seen such a haul; one of the Qld Tatters had a similar, if smaller find this morning in an Op-shop! I am never so fortunate, but perhaps I don't look hard enough.

  2. Don't be silly. You ALWAYS need more thread.

    1. That's true, Martha. Designing wastes such a lot. I've been putting them away today and drooling once more!!!

  3. I'd drool over them too... Cept you'd end up with soggy threads!!! Lol

  4. Reading you post I laughed out loud and you know I think I did pee a little. LOL but what luck. Good thread is so hard to find, hope you got them for a great price too.

  5. Congrats on such a find! And of course you need more thread! Always :-)
