
4 May 2016

Here we go,

Here we go, here we go. Yes another start to another Fandango doily.

Having started this a week or so ago I've since had a worm placed in my brain by Maureen in a comment a few days ago. She has sort of suggested that it might be a good idea to make a square Fandango doily!!!! 

Thanks, Maureen. Once this one is under way I'll be exploring that idea. The reason for the proliferation of doilies is because they're useful to take with me to the craft meetings I go to. The pattern is easy to remember after the first round has been done - or, even before that.

Meantime I'm working on 'another new idea' which is coming on very well. I''ll start sharing that soon.


  1. Margaret from Qld Tatters will be very happy with this plan, Jane! Me too.

  2. Pretty colors what is the center yellow one and I like that too, "the take with you memorized pattern"

    1. Sorry but I don't know the answer! It's been waiting to be used for a long time!

  3. There's something very comforting about tatting a simple pattern. That thread looks familiar.

    1. Not sure which thread it is but it's very pretty.

    2. Looks like a Yarnplayer thread maybe Garden Afternoon?

    3. That's it. I'm sure you're right. I only have a bit of it in size 40 and wanted it to be an eye catcher in the centre.

  4. Nice colors!! :) A square one is a great idea! Don't you have a Fandango Square already?? That could be the start. Can't wait to see what you do with that idea!!! :)

    1. Yes, you're right - the centre should be the start of the coaster. The hardest part will be writing the first round out as it will be all 'corners' as in row one of the rectangular mat!!! All very confusing but I'll get there in the end!!!

    2. I am sure it will be awesome!!! :)
