
26 May 2016

I keep forgetting!!

Not just my name and where I am and what I'm supposed to be doing but also what I'm working on!!!!

Suddenly found this which I'd forgotten about and have now finished the third round!!! Meanwhile I have been working on the square one as well. It really is an addiction!!!


  1. Three gorgeous concentric mats to follow , now that you've found yours - and all the colour schemes are glorious. I can never choose colours, I think perhaps it is what comes of having too many balls of thread to play with. And even with all of the choices I can make - all those colours in my drawers - yesterday I discovered that I suddenly wanted Fruit Fizz in size 20 - and I don't have it.For a little while, when Lizbeth first appeared, I used to buy one ball in each size. Then, when that seemed ridiculously profligate, I had to make up my mind on the spot in terms of what I was buying the thread for. End result is that I never have the right colour or size, and I am seriously thinking of retreating to plain simple white!

    1. Oh, Maureen - I know your dilemma!!!!! Am wearing that t-shirt all the time!!!

  2. I too forgot about it, till this post, it was like a quick magic trick because you had done a couple:)

  3. I'm glad you found it! I love your color choices!

  4. Looks fabulous!!! :) Like a summer garden ready for harvest!! :)
