
8 June 2016

Continuing Re-recycling

Remember this post about re-recycling?  This is the original which went 'under the scissors'!!  Well, this is what happened after a fair bit of 'tatting around' and tryouts.  It turned out eventually to be a quick tat and very, very stunning, I think!

BUT I still have more Cornelian beads and, of course, thread!!! What do you think to a bracelet and earrings to match? Well I think that's what I'll do next. 

After seeing and making 'fancy' necklaces etc there's something to be said for the sheer simplicity of this design. 

Do you think I ought to write down the 'how to' on this or is it obvious as to how it's been made?


  1. Anonymous10:14 am


  2. I promise to look after it and the thread and the beads Miss.... We don't want it 'scissoring' again now do we?? VBG

  3. It's not obvious to me, so I'd love for you to write it down! I've come in to a windfall of beads, and this pattern would be perfect for the tons of beads I have. So, yes. Please write it down. I don't want to overtax my brain figuring it out. ;-)

    1. OK, Diane. Will do that.

    2. A windfall of beads sounds fantastic Diane.... but be careful... we don't want them landing on your head!! LOL

    3. I did drop the box on my foot... ouch!

  4. Anonymous12:04 pm

    Oh please do write it down, what is obvious to one is a mystry to another. It is lovely.


  5. Yes, please write it down. Your notes and such are so much clearer than what notes I make. The only way I'd be able to pull it off would be with your pattern in front of me.
    Thank you for stetching me and sharing your talent.

  6. I love it, but you know tatting so well, you forget that there are some of use that would love the knot count :) Only if you got the time to do this love your patterns.

  7. I do like this better, Jane. You were so right. Of course, we want you to write it down. :)

  8. It looks fabulous!!!!! :)
    I am sure some could figures it out, but I am sure there are others who need the written directions(sometimes that's me). :)

  9. I'm probably way too late ....but I can try ithe pattern out for you

    1. Thanks, Deana - I've had several people offer and it's looking as if it's going to be fine. Feel free to email me for the 'pattern' privately though if you want it. I'll get it up on the pattern site sometime next week.
