
29 November 2016

Patterns galore

This week I've told myself (along with my sidekick) that we're going to get all the patterns I took to Palmetto this year up on the pattern pages.  Of course you can still get them (and all the other AMAZING patterns from the other teachers) from Palmetto Tatters. Here's the link.

It's a long job getting the patterns ready for the site as I have to put on the abbreviations (Palmetto use standard notation for everybody's work), re-size things, put thumbnails on, upload images, add links etc. Not easy when you get multiple interruptions!!!!

This time I've deleted the mobile of the 'sun, moon and stars' which has been on my site for eons as the new versions are in this batch of patterns. They will be on separate pages to make it easier for downloading. Also I've added the star which wasn't 'needed on voyage' to America!!!! It's - well, I'll tell you more when I 'get there'.

So, today I'm introducing the first one. It's the moon and here's the link.


  1. I do love that moon pattern! Wait... does this one use SPLIT RINGS?! HELP!!! SAVE ME!

    Oh, fine. I'll practice split rings today... promise!

    1. Come on, Diane, you know you can do those split rings. All you need is a pattern to get addicted to that includes split rings and you'll be 'off'!!! In fact I've been watching your snowdrops and wondering why you didn't use this technique for them!!!! Then I realised that you'd got the 'phobia' about the split rings!!!

  2. Thanks, your hard work is appreciated!

  3. I like him! Guess what I'll have to tat.... vbg

  4. I do like that moon. I will have to tat it of course. Thank you.

  5. Wonderful moon!! :)

  6. u make the tatters to go forward with more ideas to create designs. making that anything can b tattered as a design, thanks a lot making us crazy.
