
9 April 2016

Up, up and away!!!

This is just so exciting and absorbing. I'm really enjoying the whole experience. The dark blue background is fabric that I've had for years and which was always being kept for 'something special' cause I liked it so much!!! 

The other brighter colours are from my stash too. In fact, so far, I've not had to go and buy anything for the owls. That's got to be good as it means I'm running down my stash of fabric.

Now, don't get worried - tatting is still ongoing and I'm now nearly finished on the final round of the green doily and have done a little more to the pink. I'm hoping to get the pattern finished off and on the web site over the weekend. Least that's the plan unless the owls tempt me away!!!!

8 April 2016

New hobby!

As promised I'm going to tell you about my new excursion into foundation piecing. Now I've only ever done hand sewn patchwork and hadn't a clue what piecing was all about.  This is another of the useful links I found.

On a wonderful excursion into the wilds of Canada (somewhere near Toronto) I was taken to a quilt shop. I don't think I've ever seen so many fabrics and such inspiring work as I did that day. Well, Ruth (one of my hostesses) bought an owl kit (top picture below) and I looked and looked at it and thought and thought about it before thinking 'why not'? So, I bought one too.

Since last October I've read and read the destructions (yes I meant to put that word!) and it got more and more confusing in my brain. There's a practice piece and along with a couple of Youtube videos and knowing that Ruth would be five hours behind me in Canada on the other end of an email I started on the practice.

My first attempt was dire. Yes, dire. Really hadn't got the hang of it at all. So, what did I do? Well, made another template from the master and had another go. 

Well, I did email Ruth AND watched videos again before starting the second one.  That's underneath the kit picture.  First there's the right side and then the wrong - you can see I've taken the paper out.  Great tip from Ruth was to set the stitch length to 1.5 on the machine to make it easier to get the papers out.  More soon on my progress.

7 April 2016


Even though I haven't finished the doily I'm working on in greens I've started another one - in pinks and browns!!! Again I'm using size 40 thread.  Just love to sit and make things without writing it down and agonising over stitch counts and 'possibilities' as I go along!!!  

I will get round to putting the pattern up on my site soon but I've been sidetracked once more by a new hobby. I'm hoping to show you - starting tomorrow. 

This is something that is taking me waaaay out of my comfort zone but thanks to my dear Canadian friend - I am now getting 'sorted' and am getting to that stage when you say to yourself 'why have I never tried this before'?

More tomorrow.

6 April 2016

You never know

No, you never know what's 'round the corner'. I know I'm 'round the bend' and I accept that but I'm glad I don't know what's round the corner or it may make life a bit boring.

Yesterday was a morning of sewing with friends at Lifeways down the road (see picture below with our patchwork whatever) followed by my latest project (more to be revealed soon - IF you're all good!!! 

I finished another session on the project in the afternoon and then came in from the conservatory to check my emails. I found one from my daughter with a link. I was somewhat 'gobsmacked' when I read the link.  Lucy hasn't been with The Pool for long (bragging time - she's deputy editor) but she's obviously told them about me!!! Poor souls. I was so overcome when I read it. Thanks, Lucy. Does this make me a cult leader, though? I hope not!!!!  Too much responsibility for an old git like me.

5 April 2016

Another few days and another

Another round of the green doily in size 40.  Not a lot else for me to say, really!!!!

4 April 2016

Branching out with baubles

Are you getting bored with baubles? Sorry if you are but I'm still addicted to them so you're just going to have to 'suffer'!!! 

I decided that it was about time I started on a 'good idea' that's been lurking with BC3 for some time!!! This 'good idea' needs the bauble bells to be made in silver and gold thread. I'd never got on too well with metallic threads until I bought some Altin Basak - Nakis Simi many years ago from Tatting and Design. They still have that thread and the link above takes you to the page. All you have to do is go to the bottom to find it. 

I've used it oodles of times and still have oodles left on the cones I bought. I think this is the best value I've ever had for thread. It tats up like a dream and is as tough as you could ever wish.

The thread is used in the bells at the bottom.