
9 April 2016

Up, up and away!!!

This is just so exciting and absorbing. I'm really enjoying the whole experience. The dark blue background is fabric that I've had for years and which was always being kept for 'something special' cause I liked it so much!!! 

The other brighter colours are from my stash too. In fact, so far, I've not had to go and buy anything for the owls. That's got to be good as it means I'm running down my stash of fabric.

Now, don't get worried - tatting is still ongoing and I'm now nearly finished on the final round of the green doily and have done a little more to the pink. I'm hoping to get the pattern finished off and on the web site over the weekend. Least that's the plan unless the owls tempt me away!!!!


  1. Even though I followed the links you gave yesterday I remain utterly baffled by this! I honestly have no idea what you are doing - I'll just wait for the owls to come.

  2. Replies
    1. I've had it for years, Diane, and been waiting for the 'right' project to use it. I made a few bags and things with it, I think, but this has really 'made' the whole owl project.

  3. I love the midnight sky, perfect for the owl. I think I have the same fabric, does the fabric have like a solar system on it or planets?

    1. No, Madtatter80 - just twinkly stars!!!

    2. Okay, but This gives me an idea for mine now I got to cut around the solar system :)

  4. I missed yesterday's post but I've backtracked and followed your links because it all looks very interesting!Like a cross between patchwork with paper templates and crazy patchwork. Great result, I love your owl.

  5. I read through the links you shared - what an interesting and fun technique for puzzle lovers! The flipping back & forth could be quite confusing I'm sure (it would to me!), so my thought was to jot down the numbers on the back of the paper template too, where the fabric pieces are brought together.
    I am eager to try something like this, too. So far I have used paper only to control thin fabrics while sewing.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your quilting :-)
