
11 April 2016

Off on my travels

Well, not that far but in my little brain it's a LONG WAY. 

Silly as it may sound - I can get on planes and go wherever I like but getting in a car and driving to places is something I just don't do. I have a fear of getting lost which is ridiculous when nowadays we have satnav etc. I also in the past used to worry about breaking down but that isn't really relevant now as we've got a car with all four wheels (sorry, five) and an engine that appears to work.

Anyway, I met a tatter in Canada called Linda and she's from Gloucester.  We've been emailing and phoning since then. She arranges the Gloucester Tatting Day which is next Saturday and kindly asked me if I'd go along to teach. Well this was a few weeks ago and I said 'yes'. This will be my first foray to a tatting group in England for around twenty years. I don't hear about them anymore since I don't belong to any group or have any means of finding out. Being a grumpy OG that's probably a good thing!

So next Saturday morning I'll be off. Now, I do hope it doesn't turn out like my dream last night. In that I arrived safely but was still wearing my bedroom slippers I was SO embarrassed. I then went to the loo and afterwards, because the event was held in a HUGE school, I couldn't find my way back to the classes. I missed EVERYTHING.  What a silly dream.  


  1. Clearly you need to stop worrying about getting lost! - I find a small Hendricks made with Bulgarian Rose petals is very soothing. And will allow you to sleep. It sounds like fun to be able to teach your compatriots!

  2. I worry about getting lost also. It's so easy to get twisted and turned around. I hope you have a wonderful day with the proper shoes and clear directions to your teaching spot!

  3. You,ll be great! ( leave the slippers at home)

  4. I think all that will probably happen. Have fun! : ))

  5. I hope the trip goes well and then you might make more local trips. It's funny how dreams can mirror our fears in absurd ways.

  6. I used worry about showing up naked. But, as I grow older, I think other people are the ones worried I might show up that way. :-D
    Have fun!

  7. You will have a wonderful time and we look forward to hearing about it.

  8. My directions aren't always the best so I just make sure I always have a full tank of fuel, then go off on an adventure. So far I've always made it there & back although some extra roads can be involved. I have full confidence you'll have fun - even if wearing slippers. Go get 'em!!

  9. I really chuckled over this! Love the slippers! I constantly have dreams where I cannot get to where I'm going! Stairs disappear, streets go on forever, elevators don't work! I've always felt it's because I'm not quite achieving my goals. I still 'remember' the scenes of some of them! I can't deal with flying, so I admire your bravery! I find Street View in Google Maps to be a great way to practice driving somewhere new, at least in the daytime. Have a great time - I know you will, and they'll be delighted to have you there!

  10. Safe travels and say hello to Linda for me, she is a really good tatter, likes the very fine threads.
