
7 March 2017

Anybody want this?

There's a dear little town near us (well, about 8 miles away) called Alcester. I went to my secondary school there - the grammar school, not that I was really grammar school material. I was definitely NOT clever. Anyway, I survived and so, incidentally, did the school!!!  I think I spent more time sitting outside the headmaster's office than I did in classes sometimes!!!

On a Friday afternoon a neighbour and I go to Alcester library for Crafternoon. There are around 6 to 9 of us who meet, chat, laugh and do different crafts. The session starts at 1.30 but Louise and I go a lot earlier so we can browse the lovely shops (mainly small and privately owned) and have lunch. 

Our main 'shops of interest' are the charity shops and we sometimes find the odd bargain which simply HAS to be bought!!! Last Friday I found this book in an excellent condition in one of the charity shops. Believe it or not - I bought this with my pocket money when I was in my early teens so I have a copy. I 'had' to buy this one as I'm always frightened that a shop may throw it in the rubbish. So, what I really want to know is - does anybody want to give it a good home? I'll charge what I paid for it - £2.00 plus postage which I'd have to work out according to where the person lives.

Of course, if you happen to live in Canada I could always take it with me to the Fringe Element tat days and give it to you there.  


  1. Jane, as I collect books, I would love to have it. Figure it and let me know about the cost, if you would please.

    1. It's yours, Tim. Will work out the cost and let you know later!

  2. If you make any other "finds" let me know! And, Thank you!!

  3. I just ordered her #2 book from UK...a couple days ago. Lol

  4. Lucky find, that is a great book and has one of my favorite motifs in it, enjoy Tim.
