
12 April 2017

Punch nanny on the nose

That's a strange thing to tell a child to do - but it's worked!!!!  I told Abbi to do just that and it WORKED.

I've had two grandchildren staying with me for the past few days and Abbi (aged 9) asked if I'd teach her to tat. Every grandmother's dream, eh?  Something I'd secretly been hoping for for years -  BUT I have never ever asked anybody if they'd like to learn to tat.  I wait for them to ask me to show them how.  So, sixty years after I started this craft my granddaughter wanted to give it a go.

The first attempt Abbi found very frustrating.  I'd forgotten how hard it is to train fingers (and associated brain) to work together in a specific way.   After the first attempt on Monday ended 'not very well' I was very surprised when Abbi wanted another go on Tuesday.  I'm absolutely gobsmacked that a child so young got the hang of the 'dreaded flip' so quickly and realised as well that it had to flip to let the ring close!  To help her on her journey into Tat Land I found that the 'right tight, left loose' to get the flip to work was fine but when I said 'punch nanny on the nose' (with her right hand) it worked even better!!!

We started with a chain first just so she could 'see' that the core thread has to go through the stitches but then she wanted to make a ring for her finger so that's what I showed her next. 

Mission accomplished (below).  

I managed to take a video too and the link is here.


  1. She did well, Jane, and I think, from the video, she understands the flip pretty well. She could use a bit smaller shuttle, though. Great job teaching her.

    1. Yes, Tim, she got the flip so quickly.

  2. Good for Abbi!! I was surprised how quickly my granddaughter caught the flip too. Perhaps as older learners we overthink it?

    1. I'm sure you're right about older learners. Over thinking is the problem with a lot of skills we need to learn.

  3. Such patience! I've only had one grandchild ask to learn to tat, and she gave it up a long time ago. I'm patiently waiting for my next student!

    1. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Diane.

  4. Hooray another tatter! I see great things for the future! Isn't it wonderful when you pass it on, especially to a family member?

    1. Yes, Michelle. It's something I've hoped she'd want to do since before she was born.

  5. jeanne (ladytats)1:28 pm

    youngsters get the flip easier than many adults i think. at least it has seemed that way to me.

  6. Kirsty6:20 pm

    Abbi is now home...and still tatting!

    1. WOW. I'm pleased to hear that but obviously I haven't done my 'other' job properly in tiring her out!!! Mind, the two of them have managed to tire me out!!! Just looked at my 'health' app and I've walked 4 miles today so goodness knows what Abbi and Nathan have done with the way they've been running around!!!!

  7. Awesome!!! :) I sure hope she continues!!
    Our oldest granddaughter learned and then quit, but has asked several times since, but time hasn't been available to "relearn". Maybe this summer.

    1. I hope so too over her carrying on with it! Good luck in the summer.

  8. That's brill. My 4 year old granddaughter will say 'That's tatting Grandma!'. She'd learn tomorrow if she could.My daughter learnt a long time ago but didn't want to progress.....until now! And now she is addicted, yippee! Tatting lives on!

    1. Abbi's always taken my rejects from being a toddler. I'm hoping that Kirsty has to now re-learn too to help her! Method in my madness!!!!
