
26 April 2017

Round nine completed.

On this round I decided to use two colours to give it more interest. Well, interest for me anyway as it looked like a looooong round.

I apologise to Renulek as I did change the making of the round slightly. Instead of the large picots in the centre of the daisies I changed it and used vsp's. So, instead of 8 - 8 I cheated and did 6 vsp 2 vsp 6. In following rings you then work 6, join to previous vsp, 2, vsp 6.  This is because I'm a dozy old moo and can NEVER get those central picots 'quite right'. I've used this 'cheat' on lots of patterns in the past but thought that some of you may like to know about it too!!! Can you see on the top picture how even those centres look now? 

I also abandoned the onion ring again and did a chain with a ring on the top instead. A discussion with one of my blog readers (yes, good to know there are one or two out there!) over whether you could do a ring on an onion ring and I'm sure you can - if you use the loop tatted ring method. Keep meaning to try it but I get distracted so easily!!!!


  1. Interesting cheat. I wish I had time to make this so I could try it. I like the way the colors are running.

  2. I like the way the black and green pops!

  3. I prefer your way, I'm not very good with one long picots and getting things even. It might have occurred to me after about half way around! Good job BC3.

  4. Anonymous1:55 pm

    I am still trying to figure out what an onion ring is... Other then yummy when fried... :) I love the doily, and it is gorgeous in different colors. A little above my skill level at the moment, I think. But I have been ogling it. Have been wondering how much thread it would use... - Cindy from Dallas

    1. Oh, Cindy, it's mainly rings and chains. Nothing that you couldn't tackle. There are lots of people doing it and we'd all help you. No idea about the amount of thread I'm afraid!!!! An onion ring is basically a ring around a ring. Here's a link.

    2. Anonymous3:02 pm

      Thanks, Jane! I will have to think about it a little more, I am working on a little heart I want to finish first, but that pattern keeps calling me, it is gorgeous! Thanks for the onion ring link.

    3. You're welcome, knitting yards.

  5. Looking good! Well, that many loop tatted rings would be a bit tedious in my humble opinion! Chain much more practical.

  6. Wonderful doily!!!

  7. Like you I cheated too but with a swirl join on the upper and lower daisies, again just to keep me interested. I also used the chain with a throw Ring on top. Your colorway only gets more interesting.

  8. love the shuttles and the finished doily all look grand!

  9. Now I feel kinda stupid. I was cheating and did't even realise it! Somehow I always change onion rings to rings inside the chains :) And thanks for the other cheat (rings 6-2-6 instead of 8-8) it makes these daisies so much neater!
