
8 May 2017


Nah, not my birthday or anything in particular. 

Well, I suppose it is a 'particular' in a way as a birth was made on this date in 2006. Sheeesh, that's eleven years ago!!! 

It's the day this blog was 'born'. Here's my first post and I'm still asking the same question although I THINK I've now got the answer!!!

It simply keeps me motivated!! Tat's all, really!

Sometimes I wonder how many read the blog but then I realise that it's probably a way of dealing with sleep problems as it probably sends my readers to sleep.  Reading it would certainly put me to sleep!!!!  

Now each post ought to have a picture so here's one to brighten the the anniversary day!!!


  1. Congratulations on your blogversary! I guess we all wonder from time to time what we're doing here and how many are reading. I do know that you have had a huge influence on me at any rate.

  2. Happy Blog Birthday dear Jane. I've learned a lot with your interesting blog. Is my Tatting-Wikipedia 😍

  3. Reading your blog putting me to sleep? NO!
    In awe, at your beautiful tatting, and grateful, for the numerous tips and tutorials you post here? Definitely, YES!
    Thank you so much and Happy Anniversary :D

  4. Happy blog anniversary.

  5. Your beaded snowflake is the perfect way to celebrate your blogs birthday! Congratulations on eleven years!

  6. Your blog is an inspiration in many ways, I love your innovation, your genuine love of tatting, your willingness to share but mostly your persistent, consistent and obvious optimism. Your day is well started when mine just begins. I love seeing what you've done and your adventures-even with the Royal Fail!

    1. Ah, Royal Fail is proving to be quite the opposite at the moment, Michelle!!! I may have to forgive them for past misdemeanours!!!!!!

  7. Nappy Blogger Day!! Now this 'ere pattern what's on that there first post.... you didn't put a link to it!!

    Jus' sayin'.... LOL

    1. The link didn't work at first but it does now, Sue. Least it did when I checked!!!!!

  8. Congratulations on your blogaversary. I always enjoy your posts. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  9. Happy Blogiversary!! :) I read your blog and love to see all the wonderful things you tat and the fabulous designs you come up with!!! No sleeping here! :)
    Very striking design there!! :)

  10. I too read and love your blog and tutorials. I add your link to my teaching notes as a reference. Love all the patterns that inspire me to do more.

  11. On behalf of the OG and BC3 may I say thank you everybody. It's nice to know that peeps are listening to me talking to myself!!!!

  12. Anonymous4:56 pm

    Happy blogiversary! I think more people then you realize read your blog. There is always so much fun to be seen, and new ideas to be heard. I use it as a reason not to do housework, but certainly not to put me to sleep.

    1. Thanks, knitting yards. I tat to avoid housework!!! Well I'll do ANYTHING to avoid it, actually!!!!

  13. you always entertain as well as teach. you must have been a wonderful school teacher. now you are a wonderful tatting teacher

    1. I was a very average teacher but adored the kids I taught.

  14. Congratulations! I've learned a lot from you, thank you very much for this amazing blog.

  15. Congratulations, Jane! I check your blog daily and have used your instruction and pattern pages more times than I can count. A great big THANK YOU, JANE for contributing so much to Tat Land. I appreciate your ideas, patterns, instructions, humor and more. Here's to many more years. Karen in Oregon

  16. Happy blogaversary. Congratulations on eleven years.

  17. Oops, I'm late to the party, but hope the bubbly is still running :-)
    Hearty Congratulations, with wishes for many more to come !
    Finished this lovely snowflake a few days back, but still to post.
