
12 July 2017

Tim's Ring A Ding Ding

When I met Tim in Georgia at last year's Palmetto Tat Days I was most impressed with his dedication to tatting and Tat Land. He kindly gave me a cluny loom which I haven't yet used on a project although I have had secret playtimes with it.  A friendship was started.

Anyway, we were talking about something tatting related a couple of weeks or so ago and I mentioned this motif to him. He kindly offered to test tat it. 

I really must recommend you read Tim's post about it (and follow his blog too) as I just LOVE that bright pink ring he made.


  1. The pink ring really makes it pop. Good work.

  2. What an intricate pattern, double rings. Love the color.

  3. Very pretty two of these and you got earnings too :)
