
21 July 2017

Well done

Well done to Kathy who guessed exactly right!!! I'm working on Teri Dusenbury's wonderful Forever Young pineapple doily.

Like Dora's patterns it's a bit of a learning curve and I'm not really happy with what I've done so far so am treating this as a trial piece which I may abandon and re-start.

Part of my problem is I'm not that happy with my choice of thread. Nothing wrong with the thread really but I've sort of fallen out with it's softness and the colour!!! Typical me. Even after well over half a century I still find it hard to choose colours. OR is it just that I'm a tad too fussy? Who knows!!!


  1. The clue for me was that you always wanted to do a pattern from 'long ago', and I knew of Teri's 'Forever Young' doily honoring Dora Young and her split-chain technique. Teri immediately grasped the importance of the split-chain when Dora's book was first published. Then in 1994 Teri designed her own doily, with a 'pineapple' design and, of course, utilizing the split chains. Her doily was always eye-catching (I never tried tatting it, though!) Because of your recent wonderful work with Dora's patterns, I kind of put two and two together! I have several photos of Teri's doily in my notebook, and I could tell that you were doing the first round!

    1. You're still a VERY clever lass!! I wouldn't have recognised it from that first scan I put out!!!

  2. I think it looks great!! :)

  3. Looks good from my point of view!
