
11 August 2017

Another trip

Down memory lane!!!

This was prompted by a visit to our local Hospice secondhand bookshop in town. I pop in there from time to time searching for craft books and occasionally bring in the 'Eborall rescue team' which has a membership of one - me. I found an old Coats tatting book there a few years ago and that got rescued and relocated to Atlanta and Sandra cause she lost everything in her house fire. 

Yesterday I found this little gem. 'Pillow Lace, Book 1' by Margaret Hamer. 

I met Margaret when I was in my late 20''s when she was demonstrating in Stratford (she lived in Bedford and came from a family of bobbin lacers). I approached her as I desperately wanted to learn but there was no time during her visit. We exchanged addresses and she asked if I'd be a guinea pig for this first little book of hers. Obviously there was no such thing as the internet and Youtube in those days!!!  Thus I was in on the birth of book 1 and at least one other little book of hers.  On an aside - her sister (Margaret Waller) was an avid tatter and gave me a lot of encouragement with my work over the years.

Now that was lovely enough but when I opened this book you'll see that it was owned by a Caroline Cramp. That brought back more memories of Caroline who used to belong to Rosemarie Peel's tatting group 'way back when'. Sadly Caroline died way too young. I wonder how this little gem of a book got from Nuneaton (where Caroline lived) to a bookshop in Stratford. We'll never know the answer to that. In the last two pictures you'll see samples worked by Caroline.

Now, if anybody would like this little gem - I paid £1.50 for it and would happily let it go for that plus postage. If you want it and live in Canada and will be attending the Fringe then I can bring it with me.


  1. I enjoyed the trip down your memory lane, very interesting. A lot of serendipity there!

  2. What a wonderful find! I hope that some day someone will find one of my books in a little shop and be inspired to try something new. To have personal memories would be a bonus!

  3. I would love to have the book Jane. Can I buy it from you?

  4. I will pay postage. I would love to have you sign it it as you are the owner now. I hope to be the next owner.

  5. I think I would print your story to go with it. You know I am also a bobbin lace right?

  6. Thank you for sharing your wonderful reminiscences. IF no one else has snapped up this gem of a book, I will gladly buy it from you. I will not be at Fringe, however.

  7. Oh, Sherry and IsDihara I'm afraid somebody got to me before you two. I had an email from a tatter who couldn't comment on the blog. I've got a few people who can't comment so have had a few emails before yours. So sorry.

  8. What a nice find. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

  9. What a wonderful fine :). I'm a newbie with Bobbin Lace and love how relaxing it is. Although I wish it was more portable!

  10. What a great trip down memory lane. :)

  11. That's why I gave it up, Jenn!!!
