
20 October 2017

Just a few more random pictures

Tomorrow will be 'back to normal' in my little blog. Meanwhile just a few random pictures I had to share.

First off - the Marilyn's. This is a link to explain. They really are stunning.

Next the CN tower.  SO impressive.  The sky really WAS that blue.  It was very hot for all of the two weeks.  Lucky me!

The view from Donna's window.  Donna kindly hosted Ruth, Terry and I for lunch one day and I was honoured to see her impressive collection of lace goodies.  
The view across the lake from the end of Ruth's road. You can see the tower.

Finally some of Ruth's regular visitors popping in for a drink and a bath!!!


  1. What an impressive scenery! And the weather really played along. You must have had a wonderful time :)

  2. Jealous! Definitely stowing in your bag next time!!

  3. I couldn't comprehend the size of the lake when I was there! I think it must be much bigger than Sydney Harbour. Lovely pictures.
