
9 November 2017

Two more variagated

Now these are true hybrid HWT snowflakes!!! 

The top one uses some thread (the plain green one in the middle) that I bought in Cincinnati years ago. It's a machine quilting thread. The other two came from Ginny.

The bottom snowflake is made from thread that I've had for sometime. I used two strands of the variegated and one of the plain (another from Cincinnati).

You know what? This is the cheapest way of making anything tatted as the spools last forever and ever!!!! I'm cheap as chips - that's English chips and not American/Canadian chips!!!!


  1. When I first saw them I thought there was no tatting, just all beads. The thread makes it look like that. I had to zoom in to tell. Those are fabulous.

  2. The colours are so wonderful! and you're quite right, it IS a cheap source of threads. But I am not good at winding multiple strands onto a shuttle evenly. I recently bought two or three spools of Sulky 12 just because I loved the colours. It's really too fine for tatting, size 30 is much better, but the best colours are in the finer range. Size 30 is close to 80.

  3. Honestly, Maureen, it isn't that hard to do. Just make sure you keep the tension tight as you wind. I wonder whether you're using a post or bobbin shuttle? I use a bobbin one so it makes it a fast and easy wind!!!

  4. Lovely color combos! Isn't it amazing that we have so much right at our fingertips?

  5. I have the same challenge as Maureen... practice must make perfect!! I take it they're all cotton and not polyester??

  6. It maybe a lot easier to keep the tensions together with a bobbin shuttle but I've never tried with a post, Pigmini!! No, they're not all cotton by any means!!! I try to avoid using two polyester together but if I like the colours then I ignore that self imposed 'rule'!!

  7. Wow - those are spectacular! I had to double check the top one as it looked initially like it was all beaded....

  8. Gosh, two of you thought that top one was mainly beads!!! I must try that 'trick' again!!!!

  9. Stunning beauties!!!

  10. I'm also amazed at how the beads match the threads so perfectly. I had to enlarge the photos, too!
