
11 December 2017

Pretty, pretty, pretty.

There's been the first ever Victorian Christmas Market in town over the weekend. It was pretty darn good but even better was the chance to meet up with Ruth Mary. That's her in the first picture. Poor lass (and her husband) looked frozen. It was a VERY cold two days for them standing out on the street and unfortunately the third day (yesterday) had to be cancelled because of snow. In fact they had probably the nicest spot in town - about 100 yards from the Bard's Birthplace and almost directly outside the library. 

Now Ruth Mary's work is well worth seeing. She's selling tatted jewellery but with a huge difference. Hers is in silver and gold.  To call it exquisite is really an understatement.  Here's a link to her web site where you can find out more but please be careful - you don't want to drool all over your keyboard, do you?

What was interesting is that she didn’t know who I was (lucky woman!) so obviously doesn't spend a lot of time in Tat Land.  She also referred to her work as 'lace' and didn't mention tatting.  In a way I can understand that as I feel that the word 'tatting' doesn't do our type of knotted lace justice.  I forgot to ask her if she did any other types of lace.  Ah well there’ll probably be another time when I see her again!


  1. Fascinating! I hope Ruth Mary sold plenty, her work is lovely.

  2. Are you saying she tats with gold instead of thread? I don't know how you could do that. It looks great, however she did it. And never heard of Jane? Amazing!

  3. No, Tim, she doesn't use gold thread!! She tats a motif, makes a mould and then pours the precious metal into it. She describes how on her website, I think. Lovely young lady.

  4. Sounds like what Grace Tan does. She is showing her ceramics on Craftree. Done in a similar method, but in clay. She fires the mold to make things like coasters and candy dishes.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comments Tim! I'm quite new to the tatting lace community, but slowly realising what a small world it is.

  5. I know you said we'd drool over the keyboard but wow! I needed a bib!! Had to run to the conversion chart to see what base prices would be in US dollars. Pinned her picture to my Pinterest tatting folder because I believe I see a birthday gift coming my way ;-)

    Drooling Heidi

  6. Oh, Heidi, I'd better send you one of those plastic bibs with a trough in them that babies have!!!!! The jewellery looks even better in real life.

  7. Thanks so much Heidi! Your comment is such a joy to read! Perhaps we can organise a silver tatting lace bib? It might have too many holes in though :-)

  8. Oh dear- I see she has paypal enabled too! Bookmarking her site for the future. Thanks Jane :)
