
29 December 2017

The answer

To whether it's going to be a long thin mat or something else!!! You can now see it's taken on the decision to be 'not a long thin' thing but something a bit wider!!!!

Of course this won't necessarily mean that it'll become a round mat as I could make it into a long fat one! Who knows - I don't. Not yet.  Still enjoying the process of making it, though.  Now to decide what the next colour will be!!!!


  1. Long and fat would be beautiful!- or perhaps that should be short and stout like the teapot and me..... I remember the earlier colourful runner you made for your hallway, you pick wonderful colours!

  2. It could be long and wiggly. Great fun deciding the next colour and position.

  3. Looks like fun Miss. What's the next colour then??

  4. It's called 'wait and see', Pigmini!!!!

  5. It's fabulous!!! :)

  6. At least you have not forgotten to join yet. Have you? I missed a join on my project and tied the picots. I don't know that would work well here.

  7. I regularly forget, Tim but with this 'plan' or 'not a plan' I can easily join on the next diamond. That's except when I forgot to join the whole thing as in the first two stars - here
    IF I had a brain I'd be dangerous.
