
8 January 2018

Happy wotsit

As usual NYE was spent at home with an early bedtime.  Unfortunately NOT a good idea this year as our neighbour had a party and we live in a terraced house.  I'll leave you to guess how I felt the following day!!

Tatting was done as usual and plans for the Tat It And See continue. All I have to do now is finish uploading the files and checking the links. 

The TIAS blog is back in the land of the living and can be found here.  Links to all TIAS parts will be found at the side of this blog and the TIAS one as they are released.

If you haven't already found it - here's the link for the English version of the introduction and here is the one for the French version.  

Starting day is Wednesday 17th January so I hope to meet a few of you then.


  1. You should have gone to the party too! I may be out of town for the start of the TIAS because grandchild number 10 is due to make an appearance very soon. So I will be hastening to Canberra, one way or another. I will have to catch up.

  2. Tenth? I remember the first one and all the excitement and worry! How long ago was that?

  3. Tenth due in January, eleventh in May. It's going to be a busy year. Eldest granddaughter is nearly 21, youngest is 2 1/2.

  4. Busy and expensive too!!!! All this and you're only a Spring Chicken yourself!!

  5. I can sleep through almost anything, but I live a good 1/4 mile from my neighbors. I haven't made it to midnight in years!

  6. Really looking foreard to this year’s adventure! I must get a decision done on my thread choice.....
    I missed last years TIAS.... 😟
    I should go look it up and get it done too!

  7. Anxiously waiting for TIAS. That is a holiday, right?

  8. Waiting, waiting Jane! We need something to lift the post-Christmas doldrums.

  9. I’m so ready for the 2018 TIAS!!!!!!!

  10. Your TIAS is the BEST part of January. Can't wait to start.
