
10 January 2018

Something a little different!!!

Another bit of side tracking!!! 

When I was in Canada I spotted some dishcloth yarn in one of the stores and decided that one of the balls had to come home with me. I've been wanting to knit or crochet a dishcloth for ages so it seemed like a good idea at the time.

This one is made by starting from a corner. I've been watching a lady at our Tuesday craft group knitting squares for blankets using this method and thought it was drop dead clever so to make a dishcloth was a good way to find out how she did it!!!  I found the pattern here.

It's already looking a bit grubby in this picture as Nick very quickly commandeered it for the kitchen. He does the cooking as he says he doesn't want to be poisoned!!!! He forgets I brought up two kids and they survived my culinary skills!!!


  1. They look good Miss! I may just have to do some myself! Easy pattern too! Now the question is... do I have dishcloth cotton...

    How many did you get from what size ball??

  2. I got two from a ball but not sure what size. Dare I say - dishcloth sized ball?!?!?

  3. You make my day again, Jane! Such a witty post!!! Lol

  4. I've never knitted a dishcloth, but they look like a good way to try out different patterns and techniques.

  5. Looks great!! :)
    My friend knits dishcloths all the time. I have many with different pictures on them too.

  6. I have one of those hand operated knitting machines. It makes one of these in less than 10 minutes. I like the loop you put on it to hang it. Looks good.

  7. I guess it is, Jane. Must think about that!!!
    That sounds a lot of time and trouble for something that's only going to be used in the kitchen. If I was given pretty dishcloths I'd just hoard them and not use them, God's Kid!!!!
    Tim - that takes ALL the fun out of making them, surely?

  8. I love those, nice job. I have made this pattern thousands of times. These make such good dishcloths. I've also made what I call diagonal potholders from the same cotton yarn.

  9. I love this and they are great to use my mom made me them all the time she is the knitter 😄

  10. Love, love, love these. I have made this pattern for hears. For me, friends, gifts and whatever. Fast and easy to do. I don,t do the ring and can get two pads from each ball of yarn. Now I am getting anxious for the Tal.

  11. Very nice and useful. Have made many of these and was happy to receive two as gift at Christmas.
    Good for Nick! He's giving you more craft time which is more fun than kitchen time!

  12. I believe I made coasters from this pattern and was amazed that the pattern mimics weaving.
