
22 January 2018

Things are progressing

I meant to post this a week or more ago. This was where I was 'at' back then.

This is my 'relax' tatting when I want to just stop thinking about 'what to do next'. My last week was manic both online with the TIAS and personally in my 'private' life. All problems are now sorted and hopefully will stay that way for a while.


  1. I love the way this is progressing! I love tatting patterns that need very little thought, especially when I'm tired!

  2. Great stars and sometimes I refer tatting to my "worry knots"

  3. It's stunning already!!! :)

  4. Looks great! I still see a quilt top, though probably not. I guess my mom made so many that I see quilts in a lot of things.

  5. Some of those varigated coloured pieces make the star really interesting even though they don’t show the pattern so well. I love your bold choices of colours, Jane!
