
2 February 2018

Another cabochon

This time in a burgundy colour with almost white thread. I'm starting another addiction!!

I hope to work on the pattern and get it finalised over the weekend. That's if the TIAS allows me.

These actually look a lot better in real life than they do on here.  This is scanned which hasn't worked well.  I've done a few more so will take photos in future!


  1. Jane, these look good. The scanner usually will not allow for depth, which is why the photo starts blurring. I think the problem for a lot of people is going to be where can I get rectangular ice drops.

  2. Well if Sue got them here in the UK then you'll be able to find them in the USA!!! The ones I've got measure 30mm by 20mm.

  3. This is Carollyn I am going to Hobby Lobby today to see if I can find them. They are very lovely Jane 💟🌹💟

  4. I think I love the back!!! :)

  5. Oh, Carollyn do let us know how you get on. I'll try and finish off the pattern this weekend.
