
5 March 2018

Another mermaid

A month or so ago I took down the large mermaid from my web site. Had anybody missed her? No!!!!

This was one of the first patterns I put up on the internet and I remember asking around for ideas at the small company I was working for and one of the geeks saying - 'do a mermaid'!!! So that's how she came about.

I decided that it was time to re-visit this design and make it easier to understand and work. IF you ever try it I'm just going to say that the first part (the face) is the hardest but the rest is pretty easy. She's been test tatted by Ruth so I know she's now ready to swim your way again.


  1. Ermm... Miss!! Please Miss...(waving mermaid arm to attract attention)... i emailed you to say the link was busted Miss!! And you said you'd done it to revisits it... so Miss, I thinks you're telling little porky pies Miss!! Vbg

  2. Ah, BC3 done and forgotten we'd spoken about it. Will that shut you up, now?!?!?!

    1. Does that mean I gotta be quiet??? No chance!!! Vbg

  3. Nah, I'm not driving up to your neck of the woods to tie you up and gag you much as Sir would probably like me to!!!!

  4. Isdihara and I noticed when we suspected the T.I.A.S. could be a we thought it very odd that she wasn't there. LindaB in Virginia :)

  5. Hello Jane, I was looking for the Mermaid pattern the other week. I wondered what happened to her. So glad she is back and with her new make over, I'm sure she is more spectacular than before. I can't wait to make her again!! Thank you for re-visiting this pattern. I will also be making the small mermaid too.

    I have not been tatting for a few months as I had surgery on my left elbow for torn tendons. I had the same surgery on my right elbow 11 years ago. I'm anxious to begin again.

  6. Ooooh, linb54 and Isdihara - you little stinkers!!! Not only SPYING on me but also talking behind my back!!!! Thanks for the laugh and be assured I'll be a lot more careful in future!!!

  7. Oh, Carol, so sorry to hear about your elbow and two surgeries. I also apologise for the 'missing mermaid' but assure you that this new version should be easier to follow.

  8. her eyes have changed :) she is beautiful!

  9. I knew if I said something you'd only deny you did a few years back when I made a guess on the TIAS we were doing at the time...I think it might have been the Hippo? lol

    LindaB in Virginia, US

  10. In my defence, LindaB I try to lead you all astray for as long as I can in a TIAS!!! I still think you two are little stinkers!!! LOL.
