
14 April 2018

Welcome to a new member

Of the Exclusive Tatting Club!!!!

Let me introduce you to Sherry's mouse. She was lucky enough to have a lesson with Randy Houtz at the Finger Lakes Tatting Group last weekend and this is the result. 

This is what Sherry says:
"My mouse and kitty picture reminds me of the needlework Mary Queen of Scots did called "Catte". This picture here is a picture of the needlework while Mary was held captive circa 1570. "Catte" can be seen at the Palace of Holyroodhouse, Edinburgh."


  1. Lovely story! I had read that she had had a little dog which was found underneath her voluminous skirts after her execution, perhaps she had a ginger cat as well.

  2. The more mice the merrier! I hope Sherry's mouse survived the attack, that cat looks serious.

  3. You are funny, Lavi. I didn't think about the poor mouse surviving although it does look a friendly enough cat!!!!
