
30 July 2018

Next problem!

Having started on the Christmas tree earrings the next problem that occurred to me was again - how do I package and present them. 

I was wandering round the town the other day trying to find ideas for this conundrum when I had one of those 'not quite so senior' moments. I suddenly thought 'I can make some boxes'. 

Great idea but how. When I was little I was given a book of Origami by Robert Harbin which I loved and spent many, many happy hours studying and making origami animals etc. When the light bulb when on I thought I'd be able to make some folded boxes. 

So, I came home and then went to visit Mr Google and researched making little boxes. It didn't look too hard but getting the right size proved a little challenging. I tried several ideas out using printer paper and then went shopping for pretty origami paper. 

Where did I find EXACTLY the right stuff? Why, in The Works where I got the boxes for the other brooches. These are some of the colours below and you can see what a big book of papers it turned out to be.  You can also see a practice box I made with printer paper!!!  Not a good effort but I hope to improve!


  1. Great idea Jane!! I like the ideas you come up with when having a senior moment!!!
