
6 August 2018

The third top and some questions

Interesting thoughts have occurred to me. Yes, BC3 and I do think from time to time!!!

On Friday I spoke about the Christmas tree earrings that I finally decided to put on my pattern site. Now I don't want or desire fame or glory as you know but it did make me wonder how many people read my blog posts nowadays as there were very few (4 only) comments on that post. So I decided to look back through the past weeks and I think the comments are falling off. 

Now I'll be honest as that doesn't particularly bother me because the reason for the blog is about me keeping track of me and what I'm doing.  I'm wondering if blogs are dying a death or if people just aren't interested in mine? OR could it be to do with the settings I've got on the comments section? OR to do with Facebook taking over?  I'd love to know.  Comments welcome and particularly if you're finding me boring.  I'd understand and then be able to do something about it whatever the cause is - I hope.

Below is the final top I've made. If you look closely you'll see that the print is scissors!!! I also used another neckline on this one as well. Just right for the hot weather we've been having.


  1. I remember having all that trouble with leaving comments, maybe other people haven't managed to fix it. There are still two or three blogs I cannot access for comments. And I think you may be right, too, in that people seem to have migrated to Facebook, not necessarily onto the tatting groups, but writing on their own pages.
    My own problem is simply with the iPad I'm using! The text is so very tiny , both reading and writing comments, that it is a challenge to deal with it- and sometimes I don't!
    I hope you get lots of wear from your lovely new tops before the weather changes and it's too cold for them!

  2. Jane I always look at your posts.
    I have found your bookmark patterns very very helpful.
    Still not convinced that I can work with beads

  3. It's not you, I've also noticed that fewer people seem to be reading blogs and writing them too. I miss some of my favourites! Why? That I don't know. I have heard that facebook is the big thing. I'm not fond of facebook because so many things are hidden and it's very difficult to find your way round. Or so it seems to me. It doesn't help that blogger suddenly stop sending notifications of comments, and mark my blog as unsafe! I like blogging, and I like having it a a personal record, it seems a shame that it's not as popular as it was.

    1. It's a very pretty top and I love the fabric! You're never boring! I think people are just busy and jealous because they can't compete with you! You're the best!

  4. I read your blog every time you make a post..I always enjoy it, but don't always make a comment. Some days days I'm just busy..or some days I'm a tad's Summer know the old saying lazy days of Summer. I love your blog, no matter the subject matter!!!

  5. I love the fabric of your shirt! The small embroidery scissors always look so cute, they remind me of the stork scissors. Don't stop blogging, I'm sure it's therapeutic. I find I read tons and comment seldom. Stay cool Jane! It's hot on this side of the pond too!

  6. Jane, shame on me. I read your blog every day but rarely comment. Please continue.

  7. Hi It is a foggy morning outside but I can see and enjoy your post with no trouble. Have a good day! Valerie

  8. Hi Jane
    I made comments on some of your blogs that didn’t show up in your comments list. This happened a few times on other blogs and I assumed it was a problem at my end. Please don’t stop your blogging. I love it!!!!

  9. I for one always read your blog. I think many people do. I just don't leave many comments and rarely post anything on fb. but I do read it.

    I love your patterns and tat them often.


  10. I love your blog! I read if for a long time about five years ago, then got away from tatting. Recently, I am tatting again and the first blog I looked for was you! Please don't be discouraged!

  11. I love your blog! Please don't be discouraged!

  12. No comment left doesn't mean you are not read. I read and check your blog almost daily and I enjoy it very much. I rarely will leave a comment anywhere. Thank you for your blog! Lin

  13. I read every post and love your cheerful attitude and love of tatting. Sadly I find I must either comment or tat but don't have time for both often. I hope you keep blogging!

  14. I think it's wonderful to see the results from people who are still sewing their own apparel as it is so much easier and less time consuming to run to the store.....nice pattern too, Jane.

  15. I read your blog everyday that you write, but generally read it on Facebook and note that there are lots of comments there. I am always amazed by how much you accomplish. I think I spend a lot of time tatting but I don’t get anywhere as much completed as you do. I am inspired by you!

  16. I read your blog. You know it!

  17. Jane I feel like when I comment I'm just saying something to see me on your site. I love your patterns and I love reading your blog. Summer time many people don't get inside and play on their computers as much and unless a post really grabs me (I enjoy reading them even if it doesn't grab me right then.) I don't comment. I don't sew much so I rarely comment on sewing stuff. Now tatting (knit and crochet) will often get my attention. I generally give a Thank you when I get a pattern from you (or any designer) as I do really appreciate you (and all the awesome designers out in tat land). Does that make sense to you? Hugs

  18. Absolutely not boring, please keep on with your fantatting blog, comments are falling off in all blogs, I think. Sorry I'm among those who leave few comments but I love reading your blog.

  19. I know I don't because of time lately. I don't have time to keep my blog much lately either. Hopefully that will change soon.

  20. You ?? Boring?? That'll be the day!!

    I read your blog most days and there are people out there who don't 'do' Facebook!!

    My ten pennorth!!

  21. Thanks for all the lovely, lovely comments. You've cheered me up no end. No way will I stop blogging and I'll keep posting a link on Facebook too. I just didn't honestly realise that so many people were still reading the ramblings of an old git.

  22. Jane - I love your blog and I follow quite a few - just have never posted comments, but I love your work and tatting style. Keep it up ~ I'm not on Face Book and would really miss the blogs if they went away, they make me feel like I'm not alone in my passion for tatting

  23. Oh, Beckie, you're not alone I'm so pleased to say.

  24. Hi Jane! I love reading your blog and check every day to see if you've added a post that day. I confess I rarely comment. Don't use Facebook at all, so I'd miss you terribly if you 'went away' and just posted there. I enjoy seeing what you're doing and reading what you have to say.
    (p.s. I love the new top and the other 2 tops.)

  25. Sorry Jane, I read all your blogs, just not much of a comment poster.

  26. Whew! I can breathe again!

    I delayed my shopping trip to see if others commented because I must insist that you keep blogging! (I had to hold back from putting that in all caps!) You have spoiled us with your almost daily posts and your incredible creativity! You also are 'always there' for a bit of cheer. I admit I don't always comment, but I always look for your posts every day! And your blog is also a Tatting Encyclopedia! I do enjoy your Facebook page especially for your 'walks around town' which I love.

    I can't believe I just recently discovered that some Blogger blogs have the comments 'embedded' in the post and don't break away from the text in a pop-up. I just changed my blog to have embedded comments, where visitors can scroll back up to the content and photos without hitting any buttons. But with moderating, that might not be possible.

    I think that Facebook has its place for keeping up with very recent family news, but I'm not fond of it for crafts. Pictures of crafts in Facebook are ok, but I want details and a story! Reminds me of Pinterest where links go nowhere.

    I'm so glad Jane M mentioned how difficult it is to navigate around in Facebook. I get very frustrated trying to navigate - even with family Facebook pages. It's too difficult to go 'back in time'. I don't find it easy to comment there, either; or to find my comments later! I know there are big privacy issues with Facebook, and people don't want to explain everything - even where they took a photo. I really do understand that.

    I can't tell you how many times I use the Search Bar in Blogger to find things instantly. (I actually love Blogger blogs and think they developed a very reliable and useful product. I actually have private Blogger blogs about other subjects, and one private Word Press blog, which I find cumbersome to use! (I only set it up out of curiosity.) Yet WP is considered superior? I disagree!

    Your recent link to your post where you showed the magazine with your tree pattern made me realize that I commented on that post back then, which I had forgotten about! You can't do that kind of historical search in Facebook, that I know of.

    In summary, I repeat: Don't Stop Blogging! I'm going shopping now.

  27. It's odd but sometimes I'm able to leave comments and at other times, the link refuses to open in order to leave them. I enjoy your blog probably the most of all because you're so informative, funny, and in general so enjoyable. I read every one of your posts despite the fact I can only read blogs a few times a week. Trust me, I'll leave more comments if it'll keep you blogging for us!

    Hugs and love always,

  28. LOL, I think you might have a bigger reading audience then you think. My guess is that commenting is what is often lacking. I know I am guilty. I am a very faithful reader, but rarely manage to comment. I can blame my busy life, my 4 kids, or a hundred other things, but really, I often do not think leaving a comment like "great top" is really 'helpful'. I do have a blog, and even there I do not manage to write much at the moment, and comments are often few and far between. But, I have always intended my blog to be a kind of crafting and gardening diary. And honestly I am crafting and gardening rarely at the moment. We had a busy summer, and computers were just not part of it. It does not help that I am wanting to take out a couple of rings on my tatting project, because I made a huge mistake, and I am working on a cross stitch that is semi-hired work (as in I am doing it for someone else, on request). I love reading your blog, and am always happy when I see you posted a new blog post. It is my little piece of heaven inside my regular circle of chaos.

  29. I read your blog. Rarely comment on any blogs.

  30. I'll be here as long as you blog, Jane.

  31. Your’s is the first and only blog I read every day. I don’t comment much because I try to behave myself and not be a constant pest. But just know that this ol’ moo loves reading what the ol’ git has to say. 😇

  32. I do like to read your blog to find out what you are doing but lately visit every other day. Its summer here in Canada and tatting comes second to gardens and vacations. If you keep blogging I'll keep reading and commenting as I'm not much of a facebook user.

  33. Well I'll certainly keep blogging thanks to all your wonderful comments. You've really, really cheered me up no end. THANK YOU everybody.

  34. I saw this post when just it was posted and going to comment but there was some problem in internet ( which took a day to repair) and I was thinking to write same thing that you are not boring on the other hand we get inspired by reading your post. But I think now it is not important to write this, because see the line of comments and you will get the reply of your question. Aren't you? So now I have decided to start sewing after 30-35 years and I will definitely show it on my blog. Thanks for being my inspiration.

  35. I've often wondered the same thing, but then I stop and think about what I do. I've lost track of how many blogs I read, and if I took the time to comment on every post, I'd be on the computer all day long and never get any tatting done! I realized that I'm also not very good at responding to comments on my blog, something I'm trying to change about myself. When I look at the Google analytics and see how many page views there are in a day, I'm encouraged to keep on blogging. However, I really don't blog for comments. Like you, it's more a record of what I've accomplished. I can look back and realize that I'm not quite as lazy as I sometimes think I am!

    Keep blogging, Jane! I may not always comment, but I do read!

  36. Sorry Jane, my bad! I read your blog regularly. Not everyday but about once a week, and I always read all the posts you've written since my last visit. Aka, I don't want to miss anything.
    In general, I don't usually comment on "old" posts because I'm not sure the blogger reads them (I don't blog myself so I don't know how everything works). And, as Diane said, I don't always comment on recent posts because I try to keep my reading time under control. I spend a lot of time on Ravelry, I'm involved in many groups and I often test patterns; it's exciting and rewarding but time-consumming. Problem: not a lot of time remains for my dear tatting blogs :/
    These are my reasons, by no means a good excuse. Promised, I'll try to remember to comment more. If I forget (hard to change a routine, isn't it?), please know that I'm here anyway, an avid and regular reader of your blog :D

  37. I am a very faithful reader, but rarely manage to comment.
    Thank you for everything.
