
31 January 2019

As you do!!!

Well January is sale time and I love Lands End clothes but they're expensive and the only time I buy them is in the sale. I love them because they last forever - I'm still wearing t-shirts that I bought well over ten years ago. I'm bored with them but won't part with them as they're still fine.

So this tunic, which I got in this year’s sale, was rather plain so I decided to 'jazz it up' a bit. 

I tried a few ideas but it really did need something very, very simple so I settled for just a row of split rings.


  1. Ideal way to enhance a plain t-shirt!

  2. It looks perfect! You could also add a flower if you wanted to, I don't think that would be too much decoration. I can beat your 10 years' of wear though, I am still wearing two skirts which I bought as a student in 1966. The fabric was so good, and I always handwash everything so they are indestructible.

  3. Oh, WOW, Maureen, that’s amazing to be still wearing those skirts. Not only have they lasted but so has your figure to still be able to fit. I’m GREEEEEN with envy. Congratulations on both scores.

  4. Amazing how simple looks so good.

  5. Jane, they are both have elastic waistbands!

  6. Even so that's VERY impressive. I'm sure it hasn't stretched a lot over the years.

  7. I love Lands End for the same reason, and I also shop their end-of-the-year sales. However, I have not tatted embellishments for my shirts... yet!

  8. Small lace adds a big beauty to the plain T-shirt.
