
29 January 2019


Can you see why this post has earned that title? Well it took me the whole of this round (which is only halfway done) to finally spot the mistake!!!

I was at my Thursday craft group in the library last Thursday and had completed number seven motif of this current round and put it down on the table to show somebody who asked me what I was doing. 

It was then I spotted the mistake. Nobody else could see it and when I pointed it out to them they all thought it would be fine to just leave it and carry on. 

Well, you know me. I couldn’t do that so when I got home I carefully replaced it. Now those who have a few years tatting experience will know this is NOT an easy task. I’ll show you the result next time. The second picture shows the offending motif in case you couldn’t spot it!!!!


  1. It does leap out once you see it, but I’m not sure I’d replace it.

  2. Fabulous mat!!! :)
    How heartbreaking to have to replace that motif!

  3. How did you manage that?? Lol. Same colours on infil or different??? Setting me off again!!

  4. I give up! I have been staring at the piece for a good 15 minutes, and I still can't see the mistake. But I will take your word for it, and I would do exactly the same thing to fix it, no matter how long it took.

  5. After 15 minutes of looking at the picture I am admitting defeat. I can't find the mistake! But I'll take your word for it that it is plainly there and I would do exactly the same thing to fix it, no matter how long it took.

  6. Are the thread colors reversed? I understand why you want to fix it!
    All the tatty best,
    Katie V in NC

  7. You hit the nail on the head there, Jane - once you see it!!!!
    Pigmini - I managed it very easily, thanks!!!!
    Ah, your fifteen minutes ‘down under’ was sadly wasted, then as I assure you it’s ‘htere’!!!
    Katie V - yes you’ve got it. I’ve had to take BC3 in hand and make him remember which colour I start with for each middle then the rest is simple!!! I guess I’ll learn one day when I grow up!

  8. Oh wow it Mae's my head spin 😃

  9. Well once you see them all together you see it, I would have fixed it. It always feels better once you do.
