
11 March 2019

A heart and a pig

Just had to show you this heart and the pig which Mary sent to me. 

They’re both on my pattern pages here. 

It’s a constant surprise when people send me pictures of things they’ve made from my designs. It’s strange being at ‘this end’ of the tatting process as you’re never sure if what you put ‘out there’ is really what people want. 

As I give my designs away there’s no feedback on whether things are being used or not. People are very kind and say ‘thank you’ when I announce a new pattern but after that (unless somebody writes to me like Mary and a few others) or posts on Facebook then it’s a mystery.

Nothing wrong with a mystery, though!!!


  1. Good to get feedback!

  2. When pigs fly, huh? Cute.

  3. The Year of the Pif, an appropriate pattern to tat. I hope this comment is approved, because the last few times I have tried were problematical. I keep getting picture after picture, asking me to tick squares showing cars/ traffic lights etc. Maybe I don't tick enough boxes!

  4. That happens to me sometimes, Maureen. Not sure if it’s any particular site that does it. Something to do with security, I think. I haven’t changed anything - promise!!!
