
18 March 2019


No, I don't mean I smell ‘off’. Least I hope I don't!

When I say I'm off I mean I'm off to AMERICA to PALMETTO TAT DAYS in September. How exciting is that?  I heard at the end of last week that I’d been selected.

Next job will be to book my flights and get the insurance done. A few weeks before I leave I have to get my ESTA (visa) done too. That's not too bad but takes a bit of time and effort!! Then there's the taxi to book and, of course, two months or more before the trip I start packing!!!

That might sound rather early to pack but there are so many 'odds and ends' I have to take with me/remember that I have to start early to be sure I've got them all!!! Anyway it keeps me focussed and stops me getting too excited.  

Main excitement is about meeting old friends and making new ones too.  The only complaint I have about Tat Days is that it’s never long enough.  I never seem to have enough time to talk to everybody.  PLEEEEEESE, Palmetto Tatters make it Tat Week next year.


  1. Congratulations Jane. I wish I could be there too.

  2. Oh, Bev, I wish that too. Would love to meet again.

  3. Oh, how I wish I could be there this year! Hopefully, I can make it the next time.

  4. Super, congratulations!

  5. Awesome!!! :)
    I would pack very early too for a trip like that!! ;)

  6. Congratulations! Those Tattling Days do sound like a fun adventure :)

  7. I would love Tat Week!

  8. Anonymous5:37 pm

    I would love Tat Week, too! Looking forward - if everything works out for me - to seeing you again! Talk Sally in to coming with you this year?

  9. YAY!!! Can’t wait to see you!!!!! It’s been tooooo long!!

  10. Thanks everybody. God’s Kid - I always pack early but even earlier when it’s Tat Days and I’m teaching!!!
    Craftie sylvie - they are just that. Fun but with lots of truly lovely people.
    Tim - hoping you can make it. Thoroughly enjoy your company but don’t tell Barbara!!!
    Stephanie - really, really hope you make it this year. Sally? I doubt I can persuade her but I’ll try.
    Thanks too to Ninetta and JaneMc too.

  11. Lorena - waaaaay too long (remind me how long?) so we’re going to be putting that to rights hopefully. Whoooopeeee.

  12. I am going to try to make it this year, will be nice meeting you😊

  13. Ooooh, Madtatter80 - that would be GREAT to put a face to a name!!!

  14. I like the sound of that: Tat Week! Would that entice you 3 more time zones West? We could have great fun Tatting for a week By The Bay!

  15. And I'm looking forward to having you with me!

    And of course, I'm teaching too! Hurrah!!!

  16. Crazy Mom - we’ll definitely find some mischief when we’re together and THANK YOU for putting me up. That should be putting up with me really!!!

  17. Looking forward to seeing you. Hugs.
