
21 March 2019

Two more pouches AND

Some good news!!!

The little rose pouches seem to be very popular with my friends and so when I was in Birmingham last Friday I spotted the attached fabric which I simply HAD to have. I think I've got enough for two more pouches at least!!!

Below that are two more of the pouches (insides and outsides) ready to go to good homes!!

I'm aiming now to take around 20 of these to Tat Days (plus other bits and bobs) to sell in order to try and get some money towards the trip.  I know that it'll not happen before Tat Days but an OG can dream that the debt collectors won't be after her for a while!!!  


  1. Drool! That top fabric is gorgeous! Reminds me of the first pouch I got... a square away... My sort of fabric! I'll have to make me one if I can find fabric similar!

    Either that or sneak down to TOG land.... Lol

  2. They are cute! I haven't checked yet. Will any be going in your Etsy shop?

  3. Love the fabric you have chosen such fun to see and very tempting😊

  4. Well I know I'll be getting one, if I'm able to make it. So many choices!!!! ;)

  5. I want one!! I will even reserve one now! See you in September.

  6. These are all super cute Jane - you'll sell these in a heartbeat!

  7. You are very welcome to reserve one, Teresa. I’ll put your name on one when you decide. Already got two allocated for others and need to allocate one more as well. Looks as if I’ll have to get back to the sewing machine on Saturday!!!

  8. I don’t think so, Diane, but I’m happy to sell via the blog and invoice people. Just need to finish a few more so peeps have plenty of choice.

  9. Those are so cute!! :)

  10. Love the pockets. I want to reserve one too. I will see you in September also.
