
2 April 2019

All about eggs!

Now I'm in a ‘consortium’ which rescued 8 chickens from appalling conditions and have given them a new life at a local community area. We (the chickeneers) take it in turns to look after them which can be a pain in the cold, wet and windy conditions of winter.  Currently the two OG’s who live in this house are overrun with real eggs as the ‘gals’ are laying very very well.

Anyway, I really need to talk about tatted eggs rather than drowning in the real ones.

This is a new egg idea I'm working on and as Easter is coming up, I believe, I need to get a move on with it. Hope to have it uploaded by the end of the week - will keep you posted!!!

The top one isn't really 'eggy shaped' according to my favourite critics so the second one is what I'm working on at the moment.  


  1. Maureen10:11 am

    I like the second egg very much.

  2. Breakthrough, Jane!! I bypassed Captcha altogether, no more neverending streams of traffic lights and palm trees to click. Wish I had worked it out sooner.

  3. How wonderful that the rescue hens repay you so well! Do I see tatted Easter eggs in my future? Lovely colours, perfect for Spring.

  4. Both are very pretty! Our chickens have laid some eggs that didn't seem very eggy shaped to me. We ate them anyway, and they were very good.

  5. Well done on the captcha, Maureen. I’ve no idea what causes it but glad you’ve found the solution! The second egg is the one I’m going to use.

  6. There’s nothing like ‘home grown’ eggs, is there, Diane?

  7. I like them both. Pretty colors.

  8. So have you been talking chicken for them to tell you it's not egg shaped? I wouldn't take their word for it!! I've seen the state of some eggs! Lol

  9. The first one is pretty and I am sure can be used for something!! :)
    The second one looks fabulous!! :)

  10. The first one is not really egg shaped but very nice nevertheless :-) But I would be happy to tat the second one for a good friend.

  11. This is super cute Jane! BC3 strikes again!
