
30 April 2019

Starting all over again

Well it had to happen!! Juliana version 1 is over and done with and sitting sadly by my side as I re-did rounds 1 to 3. I’m a lot happier now. This is my last comment on version 1 - not that I’d really decided to ditch it then!!!  Have you noticed that I ditched the colour too?  I’m using a slightly different blue now as I thought it might bring me ‘luck’!!!!!  Well, not really!!!

I did the centre (round 1) exactly as before so that was fast and easy. 

On round 2 I eliminated a ring at each end to avoid the horrid overlapping that happened both for me and in the original picture which I could just see when it was enlarged.

Round 3 - all I did there was anchor the clovers to each other with my favourite technique - very small picots. Now I’m happy to carry on to round 4. I’ll keep you posted!!!


  1. Ahhh! That’s better!

  2. Thumbs up, it definitely looks better.

  3. The new colour worked!

  4. Anonymous11:12 am

    Very nicely done. Good job!

  5. Now this is better and very nice shade too💙

  6. Looks wonderful!!! :)

  7. Anonymous4:47 pm

    This looks much better. I knew you and BC3 could find a way to 'fix' this and make it work. It's lovely and I can hardly wait to see how it looks with another row done.
