
30 May 2019


Round 9 of Juliana was a bit of a nightmare. 

My apologies to the nun who designed this but I have modified round 9 a bit to avoid too many ends to sew in. If I could contact her I'd tell her how allergic the 21st century tatter is to sewing in ends!!! 

I think by using a lot of experience and a good deal of cussing I've managed to 'lighten' the density in the scallops of this round. I've also introduced a lock chain in order to make it less dense and also to get straighter 'stalks' to the flowers that form the scallops.  They look a bit dire at the moment as they really need a date with the iron!!  
Anyway, here's a picture. You'll see on this picture that I've made a tentative start to round 10 which looks really, really easy. Just hope I'm right!!!  More next week!!!!  

I’m really looking forward to doing something different now!


  1. Love the way you've changed to a darker shade of blue. Sounds a challenge, but you're making good progress.

  2. And until today, on my iPad, it hasn't looked blue! Blue Thursday, I'. Eagerly waiting for the end result. Thank you for the huge amount of work!

  3. That blue does look good! I hope 10 is easier.

  4. Looks like you are doing amazing!!! :)

  5. This is wonderful and fun to watch it develop into perfection!

  6. I can't believe you've completed #9 already and are now on 10!
    I love the color choices!
