
6 June 2019

Needle cases

Some years ago I was given these two lovely needle cases. I love them both but sadly the one with the crinoline lady on is falling slightly apart on the edges and inside too.  I put that down to the fact that I’ve used it so much.

I’m going to make another needle case so that I can put the crinoline lady on it. Isn’t it wonderful the way that tatting outlasts everything you put it on. That’s why I would never dream of tatting directly onto a handkerchief or anything as the fabric will wear out before the tatting!!!

The green one is fine and I’ll keep as it is as there’s nothing wrong with it at all. I have one with my sewing kit and the other is in my ‘out and about’ kit!!!


  1. I do love little needle cases! I've been lazy since my last one wore out. My poor needles are just stuck in a piece of felt. I should show them more respect!

  2. I love needle cases and have worn them out too. She's a real cutie🌹

  3. Anonymous3:31 pm

    They're both pretty. I don't tat directly onto fabric, either, but it's mostly because I don't like the extra weight in my hands while I'm tatting. Since tatting lasts much longer than the fabric to which it is attached, it makes much more sense to tat the lace separately, THEN sew it to whatever fabric you choose. I've seen tatted lace that outlasted a couple generations, so it's probably safe to say that tatted lace - if you use cordonnet - will probably outlast the tatter, too. ;)

  4. I've got one of the same needlecases, but still in use. A treasured gift from Kathy H.

  5. That’s who gave it to me too, then. Kathy. Thanks for jiggling my brain. I wonder if she reads my blog. It’s been re-made and it’ll be blogged tomorrow.

  6. What a delightful needle case. Is the pattern also by the gal who made the case?

  7. Good question, Kathy. I don’t know is the answer!

  8. I've been looking at various photo galleries but don't see this exact rendition anywhere. It's really a sweet pattern and just learned it's tatted in your 'Pink Cocoa' thread! Maybe you'll discover the answer at Palmetto!
