
2 September 2019

By the time you read this

I’ll be on the way to America, I hope. 

I’m writing this post on Sunday afternoon having got the house ready to leave as much as I possibly can!! I’ve mown the grass, done the hoovering and the responsibility of other things has been almost handed over.  

I’ve checked in online, got my boarding passes digitally and also printed (that’s me - belt and braces) and my passport/e-tickets are ready in the carryon bag.  That lovely bag cost me £3.00 around twelve years ago (at a guess!) from Poundstretcher and I find it the best thing to take as it sits under the seat in front of me so I can get things out (or put them back) as and when needed.  Saves struggling to lift things into the overhead lockers.

The suitcase and carryon are packed (see below) and I’m raring to go. Palmetto HERE I COME.


  1. Have a good and safe trip!! :)

  2. Have a safe flight, Jane.

  3. All ready, down to the obligatory scrap of fabric tied onto the handle of your suitcase! Mine is a lurid fluoro- yellow, I can pick my bag the very instant it appears on the carousel.

  4. Have a wonderful and safe trip. I wish you were coming to Upstate New York. Would love to chat with you.

  5. Very impressed with your packing skills. Love seeing the tatting fabric bag. Hope you have a great time!
