
27 September 2019

What a HOOT

I have the most amazing friends in Tat Land and one of them (Lorena) gave me this little dish. Again I can't imagine how anybody could design this let alone print it out in a 3D printer. 

This is going to sit by my chair as it will 'contain' my odds and ends like scissors, small crochet hooks, coilless safety pins etc. 

I must admit this tickles me to bits that so much time and effort was put into a gift. The little tag (which could also be a shuttle too) will go onto my key ring - just in case I need to give proof of identity at any time!!!  Thank YOU, Lorena.


  1. It's perfect, what a wonderful thing to have made for you! I think you need to tat a small doily for it to sit on.

  2. That's a good idea, Maureen!!!

  3. So sweet that someone thought so much of you and created such a neat couple of items!! :) Enjoy them!

  4. what an awesome gift! and handy too!

  5. And if they contain tatty bits it proves my TOG perfectly!! Lol
