
23 October 2019

Coriolis finished

Now for something new!!!

This is the Coriolis that you've seen a few times before. I submitted it for a class at Palmetto this year but it wasn't taken up. No problem as they did accept the other patterns and I went and had a FANTASTIC time too.

The following weekend the group had their regular guild meeting and asked if I had anything I could teach - if I wanted to!! I'm always willing to share and fortunately had left a copy of the Coriolis on my iCloud account so could send it to them for printing. Apparently there are usually around four people who turn up for the meeting so it was incredible that around fourteen actually arrived! It was a very relaxed afternoon although I was running around like a headless chicken most of the time!!! 

Anyway, here's the link to the pattern for you to try.

As it's worked all in one without any ends (except the last one, of course) and also if done using the lazy way of block tatting there's no need to even take the threads off the hand except for split rings or the ring on the chains on the outside!!!

I've also added the edging instructions too.


  1. For two colors, start it my way.

  2. Oh wow Jane! This is amazing and so different. The edging is perfect and pulls the whole thing together. I hope this mat doesn’t go in the box or the cupboard!(

  3. Thanks Bev. Sorry to say but it’s already in a box in the cupboard!

  4. Now I know it I will, Tim!

  5. Thanks, Jane! My copy is printing as I type!

  6. You know I don't care for this pattern or just one singley but you put them all together and it's fabulous 💐

  7. I love the sense of movement that it has.

  8. Anonymous4:53 pm

    This piece is truly splendid. For some reason the inner portion of the mat reminds me of gingerbread and/or spice cookies. Guess I shouldn't skip breakfast.... ;)

  9. I ‘get you’, Madtatter80!! AND I sort of agree. One is a bit pointless (even though it’s got points) on it’s own!!!
