
25 October 2019

More fabric for Roly Poly Tat Bags!

Although I’ve got even more fabric than this - these are some that I find are really appealing for the bags.

Another one made too - cherry ripe would be a good name for this one!!! It's ready to send to Sue (Pigmini).  This one has a white lining (which is what I usually use) so that a tatter (or whoever!) can find things inside it easily.

I was hoping to make myself a new one next and I think it'll have to be the crazy cat fabric I showed back here but fortunately I have other orders that have appeared so my 'spare' time is going to be busy again.  That's good as idle hands (like mine) get up to mischief!


  1. I like the cherries best!

  2. I like the fabrics, but I am NOT a seamstress. I wish I could do that. You sew so well.

  3. Love the cherry material!! :)

  4. Anonymous12:05 am

    Two thumbs up!
