
1 November 2019

New Snail

I thought I'd better get this snail onto my site PDQ (Pretty Darn Quick) as I am in danger of forgetting him/her!!!

This is a similar one to the other on my site which I amended slightly to make it 'class friendly' for Palmetto. 

While I was doing it I devised a simpler way of getting the beads onto the ends of the feelers without too much pain to do!!! I may well use this idea for another design which is lurking in the aged brain!!!


  1. I had a maths teacher who used PDQ a lot! I like the snail who won't gobble the garden.

  2. Such a cute snail, not at all like the slimy ones we find in our garden!

  3. I love this little guy and some cool graduating beads around the spiral may be what you were thinking???

  4. Wonder what he'd taste like with garlic.... Nom!!

  5. How DARE you threaten my poor snail with death and garlic, Pigmini. I’ll sort you out next time we meet!!

  6. I will have to tat the snail. I really like all of your animals and insects.
    I have already tatted a lot of them.
    Thank you Jane.

    Semmes, Al. USA
