
24 December 2019

Cutting out the fabric

Now if you go back to this link here you'll see again where I'd got to with the 'whatever it is'.

The next decision needed to be made on colours for round two so I got the fabric out and started cutting. 

Well the colours I thought would work for the next round left me with lots left over so there was a quick change of mind and I carried on cutting those to make enough for the following (3rd) round. 

Again I needed to re-think round two and that's what I've got in these two little bags. Enough for round two and round three - unless I change my aged mind yet again!!!

I think I'll have enough to keep me busy over the next few days so I'll wish you all a happy Silly Season (Christmas) and leave you with a break of a few days from the OG. 

Well I'm guessing nobody has time or inclination to read the ramblings of a slightly bonkers old git in the UK during the festivities.


  1. Happy Christmas zJane!

  2. Dear Jane, wishing you a happy silly season too!
    All the very best,
    Katie V in NC
