
2 September 2020

Just a hanky!!!

I think this hanky came from Handy Hands in a gift bag or something.  Maybe even in one of their Newsletters? 

Anyway I've never tried tatting straight onto a hanky before and it has it's problems!!!  The main one being, of course, a dithering BC3 who couldn't decide what to do.  I started this ages and ages ago so I think the first round was a lock chain with a vsp in the middle.  The simplest way to do that is to do an ordinary ds before and after the vsp.  

Then I did a ordinary chain on the following round which I forgot to scan to show you!!!  That's going to have to be a 'wait and see' game until I get the final round finished.

The aim (for me!) with a hanky is to use a pattern that will be VERY easy to iron if required.  I love the mega fancy ones that people make for special occasions but they are a beast to iron.  I'll be giving this to a neighbour 'just because'.  The colour will suit her too.


  1. Wow, I like it just as it is. I have done hanky edgings for special gifts, but yes, I don't expect them to be laundered much.

  2. Very pretty! The thread is a great color match. I have a pile of hankies just waiting for edgings. Somehow, they keep getting pushed to the side.
